Water In Your Hands

Rusty wrote this song with follow songwriter Jimbeau Hinson. It was produced by Scott Baggett and released 11/11/2020. It is available online for purchase at APPLE, AMAZON, and GOOGLE PLAY. You can also hear it on Spotify and YouTube. Follow our links on the LISTEN tab to get to the right spots.


"By the laws of nature, she is something to behold!
But when you try to claim her, she's as elusive as a rainbow --
Like oil upon the ocean, iridescently she'll dance --
Til she slips right through your fingers, just like water in your hands.

She runs hot and cold -- God only knows the level she will sink to,
To keep the ones she loves from building dams against her need to
Keep moving with the flow, you'll soon understand
No matter how you try to hold her, she's just water in your hands.

Blame it on her father, he never was a-round.
Blame it on her mother, who let her baby tie her down.
Blame it on a long line of men who tried their best
To bottle her up inside a ring, with a whole the size of Texas.
She runs hot and cold -- God only knows the level she will sink to,
To keep the ones she loves from building dams against her need to
Keep moving with the flow, you 'll soon understand
No matter how you try to hold her, she's just water in your hands.

Yeah keep moving with the flow, you'll soon understand,
No matter how you try to hold her, she's just water in your hands."
Cover photo by Michael Jenkins Photography